For parties of 8-19 please call (520) 485-1922 Submitting this inquiry form does not confirm a reservation. Please allow at least 24 hours for parties of 20 or more. Thank you.
Name (required)
Email (required)
Phone (required)
Date (required)
Time (required)
How many people? (required)
Event Type (required) On PremiseOff Premise Pick-upOff Premise Delivery and Setup OnlyOff Premise Full Service
[group on-premise-and-pickup] Please select Charro Steak location: 188 E. Broadway Blvd.
[group off-premise-delivery-and-setup-only-selected] Delivery address (required) [/group]
[group off-premise-full-service-selected] Event address (required) [/group]
Comment/Request (required)
I agree, by submitting this comment/request, I am granting Charro Steak to communicate with me via the email address provided. This is for, but not limited to, the purpose of this comment/request, and would include communication regarding Charro Steak and its partners and promotions. Charro Steak will not share or sell any information for this purpose and will remove my email address at my written request.